CST and Community Information
Oneg Sign Up
Is it your turn to sponsor a Friday Oneg or Preneg?: Onegs bring our community together and prospective members please consider sponsoring an Oneg alone or with a group! Any questions please contact
Linnea Bassin Mobile: 248-296-9648 bassin11400@gmail.com
or Tessa Goldberg - tessa@shirtikvah.org 248-649-4418 ext 1
Let’s Kvell Together!
From time to time we have a MAZAL TOV section in the eblast or Schrier congratulating special moments, accomplishments, weddings, births, etc of our members and their families and loved ones. We would love to include your information – so please make sure to email Tessa Goldberg tessa@shirtikvah.org with all your good news, so that we can share it with your Shir Tikvah family!
CST hosts an Alcoholics Anonymous Group
on Tuesday nights at 8:00 p.m. All people who are involved in any 12-step program are welcome to attend. If you think you or someone you love may have a substance abuse issue, please feel free to attend.
For more information about the meeting, or about AA or addiction, please feel free to email us at : HopeInRecovery48084@outlook.com
Hebrew Free Loan College Program
Learn more and apply today at jewishcollegeloansmi.org.
Jewish Detroit’s Resource for Connecting You to the Help You Need
What makes our Jewish community so special? Simple We are here to help one another.
One call or visit to the website is all it takes to connect you to the resources that can make a difference.
JHELP is for: Children, Teens, Families, Seniors, and Other in Need.
Services Include: Older Adults, Planning and Finances, Food, Career Services, Transportation, Housing, Mental Health, People with Disabilities, Holocaust Survivors, Health & Wellness, Victims of Abuse.
1-833-44J-HELP (1-833-445-4357)
or visit Home Page - jhelp (jhelpdetroit.org)
Respectful American Flag Disposal Collection Site
We are proud to be chosen by the Jewish War Veterans, as a respectful flag collection site. Many people do not know what to do with a flag they can no longer use. If you have an American flag and you are looking to dispose of it due to condition or otherwise, you may deposit it in the box (see picture) in our vestibule. Click on the link for the official letter from the Jewish War Veterans explain this incredible program : CoverLetterSigned.pdf (shulcloud.com)
Pawsitive Action Program
This initiative assists clients of Jewish Family Services in meeting the needs of their pets. To donate to this wonderful cause, go to www.jfsdetroit.org/donate and under “support by services” select “Pawsitive Action Pet Supplies.” If you have any questions about the Pawsitive Action program, please feel free to contact Janice Book at JRB0403@mac.com or 781-956-8302
Caring Community is Here
The Shir Tikvah Tauber Caring Community is here to help if you need it. Call Nancy Gross, Ruth Zendel, or Lisa Kraiza if you need assistance, know of a congregant who does or you want to help through the committee. Some of the things we can do is stay in touch with phone calls, provide meals, assist with grocery shopping and errands, help out a new parent or someone who is convalescing, provide help when someone passes away and more. We care and we are here during difficult times.
The Caring Community is expanding its assistance to the congregation to include help with miscellaneous, one-time, minor tasks that may require some 'muscle' to achieve; for example, moving a heavy piece of furniture. We would love some additional volunteers to help with this occasional "heavy lifting". This help is particularly meant for those congregants that are elderly, disabled, or who are unable to do accomplish a necessary task otherwise.
Want to donate to the Tauber Caring Community to provide a meal or to help a congregant who is struggling during this difficult time? Please go to shirtikvah.org/payment.php and select Tauber Caring Committee Fund to make a donation.
Grief Group Meets Tuesday Evenings at 7:30pm
Shir Tikvah has a support group for anyone who has lost a loved one which meets virtually, on Zoom, on the first and third Tuesday evenings on every month at 7:00 p.m. Loss is hard and can result in confusing and difficult emotional experiences. Grief support groups can be extremely helpful in the grieving process. We invite anyone who has suffered a loss to be a part of this group. This group is led by Joyce May M.A. L.L.P. and will be completely confidential. If you have any questions or are interested in participating, contact Joyce May by email at joyceandrickmay@gmail.com or by phone at 248-756-3883 and she will provide you with the link to join.