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Other Holidays and Services

At Shir Tikvah, as a congregation, we celebrate all of the major and many of the minor holidays throughout the Jewish year.  The list below briefly reflects our activities for each:

Sukkot - In celebration of the harvest festival, the congregation is welcome to a lovely Shabbat service hosted under the stars at Shir Tikvah.

Simchat Torah - A fun and exciting, family-friendly service which includes prayers, singing, dancing and learning, as we unroll the Torah around the entire sanctuary and Rabbi Alicia walks the children through where various events take place in the Torah.

Chanukah - A special Chanukah service, including a visit from "Miss Dreidel," makes this a great service for kids and adults alike. The service is preceded by our annual Latke Dinner.

Purim- Our Purim celebration varies from year to year, but is always sure to include costumes, fun, and a Megillah reading, of course!

Passover (Pesach)- We host a high-energy, family-inclusive, community Seder at Shir Tikvah on the second night of Passover. 

Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom HaShoah) - We hold a service to observe Holocaust Memorial Day.

Israel Independence Day (Yom HaAtzma'ut) - We celebrate Israel's Independence Day with a service.

Shavuot - A special service to commemorate God's revelation of the Torah at Mount Sinai. We mark the holiday with study, prayer and a memorial service.

Yiskor - A memorial service to remember our loved ones who have passed. Yiskor is observed four times a year. 

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Sh'vat 5785