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Who is CST Sisterhood?

Sisterhood is Congregation Shir Tikvah’s oldest affiliate organization, established the same year as the congregation. Since our inception more than 30 years ago, we have become not just a social group, but an organization that is integral to the quality of life at Shir Tikvah.

Our Mission Statement:

The objectives of CST Sisterhood shall be to foster and further the highest ideals of Judaism; to promote closer fellowship among its members; in cooperation with the congregation, to coordinate religious, social, and educational activities; to coordinate and promote activities which advocate tikkun olam (repairing the world, a.k.a. social action); to serve as an advocating body for the state of Israel; to hold activities and events that raise funds for worthy causes; and to further the aims and the purposes of the Women of Reform Judaism.  (Revised By-Laws of CST Sisterhood, approved by the membership January, 2016)


What Does Sisterhood Do?

Sisterhood is about more than just bake sales (although we have been known to do that, too)!  Just a few of the ways we help make life better at CST:

  • We raise funds to support scholarship opportunities for CST youth, building improvements, and education initiatives at CST

    • In the past, we have helped CST students to attend Jewish summer programs such as Camp Tamarack and Camp Tavor, as well as sending students to the Maccabi Games and to Israel with Jewish Federation of Detroit's Teen Mission

  • We set up and serve for many of the B'Nei Mitzvah Onegs for young people in CST's Family Ed program, providing Bar/Bat Mitzvah families the opportunity to host an affordable oneg while supporting Sisterhood and CST programs

  • We sponsor many Tikkun Olam projects that have an impact in our community, and worldwide:

    • We are the driving force behind the ongoing Soup for Song and Spirit project, helping to feed the hungry and homeless on the streets of Detroit, and we are the only organization in Metro Detroit that provides this service

    • We provide ongoing support for schools and shelters in Pontiac and Detroit

    • Our award-winning Restore the Beautiful Women's Health Initiative provided clean birthing kits for women in Ethiopia

  • Our Programming committee works with CST's Adult Ed to bring you innovative and informative programming on a range of issues.  In the past, these have included programs on human trafficking and living with Alzheimer's Disease.  We have also partnered with CST and Family Ed to sponsor films at the Lenore Marwil Jewish Film Festival

  • And last, but certainly not least, we join our voices together with women from hundreds of other Reform Sisterhoods around the world as part of the WRJ - Women of Reform Judaism.

How Can I Get Involved in Sisterhood?

Joining Sisterhood is easy!  We understand that not everyone has time to volunteer for every project, although we hope you can find a project that is meaningful to you among the many things we do.  But even if you never attend a single event, every member helps just by becoming a member.  Your dues help to fund our ongoing projects, as well as support scholarship opportunities for CST youth, and they help make your voice heard around the world through our affiliation with WRJ.

If you received our annual membership mailing, then you probably already have a copy of our Membership Form, but if you don't never fear!  You can download a copy of the form here (or in the sidebar above), and send it to CST along with your payment to "CST Sisterhood.".

You can also contact us at if you have any questions

What is WRJ?

Being a member of CST Sisterhood not only connects you with other women within the congregation, it also connects you to a worldwide community of Jewish women through our affiliation with Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ), a federation of hundred's of Reform sisterhoods committed to supporting progressive Judaism worldwide through financial support, social action, and political advocacy.

You can learn more about WRJ by visiting their website at

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785