Strategic Planning at Shir Tikvah
CST Forward: A Blueprint for Our Future
What and Why?
Nearly 40 years ago, 18 families came together to found CST. Others who came after them collectively built on their initial dedication to create the CST we know today, a warm, inclusive and spiritual community that welcomes all seeking a Jewish home.
Now it is our turn to continue building our CST community. It is our challenge and our responsibility to ensure CST’s sustenance and vibrancy for us today, and for those who come after us tomorrow.
We have created a blueprint, a strategic plan with steps to guide us with intention as we address areas of focus that are critical to our long-term growth and viability. Our blueprint will require all of us to contribute our individual strengths and talents and to do the work to realize its objectives.
We invite each of you to join us, to breathe life into this plan, and to help move CST forward as we build together
Please click here to view a copy of our Strategic Planning document.
Please click here to access the survey as seen at the end of the planning document.