Shir Tikvah in the Media
Shir Tikvah is proud to have received the following press over the last few years about our community:
November 13, 2018: Shir Tikvah Co-Sponsors Premiere of Hamilton in Detroit
April 15, 2021: Congregation Shir Tikvah Launches Shoe Drive Fundraiser
July 19, 2022: Faces & Places: Congregation Shir Tikvah’s Pride Shabbat
July 6, 2022: Troy’s Congregation Shir Tikvah Celebrates its Diversity
March 29, 2022: It’s Official: Shir Tikvah Installs Rabbi Alicia Harris
June 27, 2022: Shir Tikvah’s Kesher Program Helps Teens Build Connections
October 7, 2022: New Season of Lifelong Learning
November 9, 2022: Torah Portion: The Depth of Faith
January 20, 2023: Rabbi Alicia Harris Offered the Prayer at Governor Whitmer’s Inauguration
January 25, 2023: Jewish Penicillin
April 5, 2023: A Rabbi Walks Into a Comedy Show